

每一场戏都有落幕的时候,正如每个生命都有走向终结的时候。当你演完戏后,得到的是雷鸣般的掌声还是鸦雀无声,表示着你的戏是成功还是失败,是有价值还是毫无意义。很多时候,我们的戏还没演完,我们的生命却结束了。生命真的很脆弱,一次不小心的摔伤,一次小小的感冒,一次无心的争吵,一次无意的疏忽 … … 就让一个昨天还活生生的生命转眼消失。戏如人生,人生如戏,两者那么相近却又不可能相同,如幻如真。谁也不能预测自己的将来,谁也不能控制别人的命运,能做的就只是开心过好今天,勇敢面对明天。

Welcome to Cuore Stampe, memories of the past and dreams of tomorrow.

For myself, I am a cinephile since young and to me, life is just like a movie. And each one of us have the full capability to make the movie just as dull and plain or captivating as we want. If we've sat through more than half of it and its sucked every second so far, it probably isn't gonna get great right at the end and make it all worthwhile.

Whatever our hands touch, we leave fingerprints! As we touch we leave our identity.

Heartprints of compassion, of understanding and love. Heartprints of kindness and genuine concern. Should anyone felt the touch, may you sense GOD'S LOVE touching. 

God bless!